Reflection 4

Wow this book has been a rollercoaster. Im sad that this book is finished but I loved the ending it was definitely the best part of the book. I couldn’t have thought of a better way to end this book, My predictions were right. It turns out that Ava bet the cancer which is amazing and Jesse and Ava stayed together (I knew they would) I am sooooo happy that Ted and nick got together I think they are such a cute couple. and when they kissed omg that was the cutest part of the book. Some of my favourite parts of this story was when Ted shaved her hair so Ava wouldn’t be as upset, when jesse stayed with Ava, when Nick and Ted got together and how Ava was supporting of Teds modelling career. I think that Ted made a good decision to stop modelling, I think it was brave of her to leave so she can be happy instead of her staying and being unhappy. This was a great book to read and I would recommend this to anyone, I loved this book and I would defiantly read it again.

Reflection 3

This week I have read 11 chapters of the look. This was not as good as the other chapters I have read, although there were some exciting parts. I thought it was really nice of Ted to shave her head with Ava because she was really sad. Since did has gotten no modelling jobs I felt bad for her but when she got to go to London for a runway show I was so happy. I think that the sisters are becoming closer each time I read. I think that Ted has a secret crush on Nick and I think they will end up together, My prediction for Ava is that she will beat the cancer, I think that even though Jessie is around all the girls at the beach he will still come back and stay will Ava because I think that they really love each other. I think that Ted’s modelling career will become really good and I think that she will have lots of jobs.

Reflection 2

Once again I have enjoyed reading more of the look, I think the author has written the book really well, when I am reading I loose track of time. I am so excited to find out what happens next. This book is really interesting and I just want to keep reading. I feel so sorry for Ava and I really want to find out if she lives. At school a girl names daisy is being really mean to Ted, personally I think she is just jealous. I think since Ted has got the modelling job the sisters have become closer. I think that Ted is going to be a really good model. I think that Jessie will break up with Ava because he has left her and he will be surrounded by lots of pretty girls at the beach. My favourite character is still Ava, she is so strong and even though she has cancer she stays positive I think it was really nice of Ava to tell Jessie to go on the sailing trip. I am liking this book more every chapter.

Reflection 1

This week I have read 10 chapters of the Look. To be honest I wasn’t overly excited when I started the book but as I kept reading I was really enjoying it. The look is a book which has funny parts, sad parts and exciting parts. It did not take me long to finish the 10 chapters. Ava is the older sister and she is gorgeous, she could be a supermodel  but sadly Ted is the younger sister who is not so pretty, she has long skinny legs a monobrow, and has even been mistaken for a boy by her music teacher Mr Anderson, and on the same day a boy in her class named dean had also made fun of her. I was really sad when Ted’s sister Ava was diagnosed with cancer, I felt really sad and this made the book harder to stop reading. I feel like this book has a message meaning that everyone should love how they look and they shouldn’t dress a certain way or put makeup on to please people.

First blog post

The book that I am reading for lit circles is called ‘The Look’ written by Sophia Bennett. This book is about two sisters, Ava is the older sister who is gorgeous and could be a model meanwhile the younger sister Ted has long spaghetti legs and has a bushy unibrow. But Ted gets offered a modelling job and Ava gets diagnosed with lymphoma.  I am excited to read this book and see what happens in it.